pacman# to import data
rio, # to group and clean data
data.table, # allows use of pipe (%>%) function in this chapter
here )
50 Data Table
The handbook focusses on the dplyr “verb” functions and the magrittr pipe operator %>%
as a method to clean and group data, but the data.table package offers an alternative method that you may encounter in your R career.
50.1 Intro to data tables
A data table is a 2-dimensional data structure like a data frame that allows complex grouping operations to be performed. The data.table syntax is structured so that operations can be performed on rows, columns and groups.
The structure is DT[i, j, by], separated by 3 parts; the i, j and by arguments. The i argument allows for subsetting of required rows, the j argument allows you to operate on columns and the by argument allows you operate on columns by groups.
This page will address the following topics:
- Importing data and use of
- Selecting and filtering rows using the i argument
- Using helper functions
- Selecting and computing on columns using the j argument
- Computing by groups using the by argument
- Adding and updating data to data tables using
50.2 Load packages and import data
Load packages
Using the p_load()
function from pacman, we load (and install if necessary) packages required for this analysis.
Import data
This page will explore some of the core functions of data.table using the case linelist referenced throughout the handbook.
We import the dataset of cases from a simulated Ebola epidemic. If you want to download the data to follow step-by-step, see instructions in the Download book and data page. The dataset is imported using the import()
function from the rio package. See the page on Import and export for various ways to import data. From here we use data.table()
to convert the data frame to a data table.
<- rio::import(here("data", "linelist_cleaned.xlsx")) %>% data.table() linelist
The fread()
function is used to directly import regular delimited files, such as .csv files, directly to a data table format. This function, and its counterpart, fwrite()
, used for writing data.tables as regular delimited files are very fast and computationally efficient options for large databases.
The first 20 rows of linelist
Base R commands such as dim()
that are used for data frames can also be used for data tables
dim(linelist) #gives the number of rows and columns in the data table
[1] 5888 30
50.3 The i argument: selecting and filtering rows
Recalling the DT[i, j, by] structure, we can filter rows using either row numbers or logical expressions. The i argument is first; therefore, the syntax DT[i] or DT[i,] can be used.
The first example retrieves the first 5 rows of the data table, the second example subsets cases are 18 years or over, and the third example subsets cases 18 years old or over but not diagnosed at the Central Hospital:
1:5] #returns the 1st to 5th row
linelist[>= 18] #subsets cases are equal to or over 18 years
linelist[age >= 18 & hospital != "Central Hospital"] #subsets cases equal to or over 18 years old but not diagnosed at the Central Hospital linelist[age
Using .N in the i argument represents the total number of rows in the data table. This can be used to subset on the row numbers:
#returns the last row
linelist[.N] 15:.N] #returns the 15th to the last row linelist[
Using helper functions for filtering
Data table uses helper functions that make subsetting rows easy. The %like%
function is used to match a pattern in a column, %chin%
is used to match a specific character, and the %between%
helper function is used to match numeric columns within a prespecified range.
In the following examples we: * filter rows where the hospital variable contains “Hospital” * filter rows where the outcome is “Recover” or “Death” * filter rows in the age range 40-60
%like% "Hospital"] #filter rows where the hospital variable contains “Hospital”
linelist[hospital %chin% c("Recover", "Death")] #filter rows where the outcome is “Recover” or “Death”
linelist[outcome %between% c(40, 60)] #filter rows in the age range 40-60
#%between% must take a vector of length 2, whereas %chin% can take vectors of length >= 1
50.4 The j argument: selecting and computing on columns
Using the DT[i, j, by] structure, we can select columns using numbers or names. The j argument is second; therefore, the syntax DT[, j] is used. To facilitate computations on the j argument, the column is wrapped using either list()
or .()
Selecting columns
The first example retrieves the first, third and fifth columns of the data table, the second example selects all columns except the height, weight and gender columns. The third example uses the .()
wrap to select the case_id and outcome columns.
linelist[ , -c("gender", "age", "wt_kg", "ht_cm")]
linelist[ , list(case_id, outcome)] #linelist[ , .(case_id, outcome)] works just as well linelist[ ,
Computing on columns
By combining the i and j arguments it is possible to filter rows and compute on the columns. Using .N in the j argument also represents the total number of rows in the data table and can be useful to return the number of rows after row filtering.
In the following examples we: * Count the number of cases that stayed over 7 days in hospital * Calculate the mean age of the cases that died at the military hospital * Calculate the standard deviation, median, mean age of the cases that recovered at the central hospital
> 7 , .N] linelist[days_onset_hosp
[1] 189
%like% "Military" & outcome %chin% "Death", .(mean(age, na.rm = T))] #na.rm = T removes N/A values linelist[hospital
1: 15.9084
== "Central Hospital" & outcome == "Recover",
linelist[hospital mean_age = mean(age, na.rm = T),
.(median_age = median(age, na.rm = T),
sd_age = sd(age, na.rm = T))] #this syntax does not use the helper functions but works just as well
mean_age median_age sd_age
<num> <num> <num>
1: 16.85185 14 12.93857
Remember using the .() wrap in the j argument facilitates computation, returns a data table and allows for column naming.
50.5 The by argument: computing by groups
The by argument is the third argument in the DT[i, j, by] structure. The by argument accepts both a character vector and the list()
or .()
syntax. Using the .()
syntax in the by argument allows column renaming on the fly.
In the following examples we:
* group the number of cases by hospital * in cases 18 years old or over, calculate the mean height and weight of cases according to gender and whether they recovered or died * in admissions that lasted over 7 days, count the number of cases according to the month they were admitted and the hospital they were admitted to
#the number of cases by hospital linelist[, .N, .(hospital)]
hospital N
<char> <int>
1: Other 885
2: Missing 1469
3: St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) 422
4: Port Hospital 1762
5: Military Hospital 896
6: Central Hospital 454
> 18, .(mean_wt = mean(wt_kg, na.rm = T),
linelist[age mean_ht = mean(ht_cm, na.rm = T)), .(gender, outcome)] #NAs represent the categories where the data is missing
gender outcome mean_wt mean_ht
<char> <char> <num> <num>
1: m Recover 71.90227 178.1977
2: f Death 63.27273 159.9448
3: m Death 71.61770 175.4726
4: f <NA> 64.49375 162.7875
5: m <NA> 72.65505 176.9686
6: f Recover 62.86498 159.2996
7: <NA> Recover 67.21429 175.2143
8: <NA> Death 69.16667 170.7917
9: <NA> <NA> 70.25000 175.5000
> 7, .N, .(month = month(date_hospitalisation), hospital)] linelist[days_onset_hosp
month hospital N
<num> <char> <int>
1: 5 Military Hospital 3
2: 6 Port Hospital 4
3: 7 Port Hospital 8
4: 8 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) 5
5: 8 Military Hospital 9
6: 8 Other 10
7: 8 Port Hospital 10
8: 9 Port Hospital 28
9: 9 Missing 27
10: 9 Central Hospital 10
11: 9 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) 6
12: 10 Missing 2
13: 10 Military Hospital 3
14: 3 Port Hospital 1
15: 4 Military Hospital 1
16: 5 Other 2
17: 5 Central Hospital 1
18: 5 Missing 1
19: 6 Missing 7
20: 6 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) 2
21: 6 Military Hospital 1
22: 7 Military Hospital 3
23: 7 Other 1
24: 7 Missing 2
25: 7 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) 1
26: 8 Central Hospital 2
27: 8 Missing 6
28: 9 Other 9
29: 9 Military Hospital 11
30: 10 Port Hospital 3
31: 10 Other 4
32: 10 St. Mark's Maternity Hospital (SMMH) 1
33: 10 Central Hospital 1
34: 11 Missing 2
35: 11 Port Hospital 1
36: 12 Port Hospital 1
month hospital N
Data.table also allows the chaining expressions as follows:
order(-N)][1:3] #1st selects all cases by hospital, 2nd orders the cases in descending order, 3rd subsets the 3 hospitals with the largest caseload linelist[, .N, .(hospital)][
hospital N
<char> <int>
1: Port Hospital 1762
2: Missing 1469
3: Military Hospital 896
In these examples we are following the assumption that a row in the data table is equal to a new case, and so we can use the .N to represent the number of rows in the data table. Another useful function to represent the number of unique cases is uniqueN()
, which returns the number of unique values in a given input. This is illustrated here:
uniqueN(gender))] #remember .() in the j argument returns a data table linelist[, .(
1: 3
The answer is 3, as the unique values in the gender column are m, f and N/A. Compare with the base R function unique()
, which returns all the unique values in a given input:
unique(gender))] linelist[, .(
1: m
2: f
3: <NA>
To find the number of unique cases in a given month we would write the following:
uniqueN(case_id)), .(month = month(date_hospitalisation))] linelist[, .(
month V1
<num> <int>
1: 5 62
2: 6 100
3: 7 198
4: 8 509
5: 9 1170
6: 10 1228
7: 11 813
8: 12 576
9: 1 434
10: 2 310
11: 3 290
12: 4 198
50.6 Adding and updating to data tables
The :=
operator is used to add or update data in a data table. Adding columns to your data table can be done in the following ways:
:= age >= 18] #adds one column
linelist[, adult c("child", "wt_lbs") := .(age < 18, wt_kg*2.204)] #to add multiple columns requires c("") and list() or .() syntax
linelist[, `:=` (bmi_in_range = (bmi > 16 & bmi < 40),
linelist[, no_infector_source_data = is.na(infector) | is.na(source))] #this method uses := as a functional operator `:=`
:= NULL] #deletes the column linelist[, adult
Further complex aggregations are beyond the scope of this introductory chapter, but the idea is to provide a popular and viable alternative to dplyr for grouping and cleaning data. The data.table package is a great package that allows for neat and readable code.
50.7 Resources
Here are some useful resources for more information: * https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/data.table/vignettes/datatable-intro.html * https://github.com/Rdatatable/data.table * https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.datacamp.com/img/blog/data+table+cheat+sheet.pdf * https://www.machinelearningplus.com/data-manipulation/datatable-in-r-complete-guide/ * https://www.datacamp.com/community/tutorials/data-table-r-tutorial
You can perform any summary function on grouped data; see the Cheat Sheet here for more info: https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.datacamp.com/blog_assets/datatable_Cheat_Sheet_R.pdf